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Reiki Can Help You


While the benefits of Reiki are numerous, the short answer to "What can Reiki help me with?" is everything. Reiki helps you heal across physical, emotional, and mental levels.

Reiki Helps You Heal Yourself


Physical Healing

Reiki activates the body's natural self-healing capabilities, and therefore Reiki serves as an excellent compliment to standard medical care—often with incredible results. Most report a significant reduction in symptoms.

Healing of the Mind and Emotions

Influx of energy during a Reiki session helps clear our auric field, chakras, and can loosen and dissolve emotional blockages held in the mind and body. This in turn helps improve the relationship with self and with others.

Spiritual Healing

Reiki helps us connect with our higher-selves. It is here that we discover a wonderful sense of self-love, peace, and clarity on issues we currently face. Balancing our chakras brings us into a clear and consise channel for activating positive changes in our lifes.

Image by Eric Muhr

How I Work—New Jersey Appointments

1 / Booking and Consultation

Reiki sessions booked in New Jersey are performed in my Reiki studio in Montvale. Once you book an appointment online, I will confirm and look forward to meeting you during your scheduled time. We will consult then before your session so I may better understand your needs, share more about Reiki, set intentions, and be available to answer any questions you may have.

2 / The Session

I will ask that you remove your shoes, lay on a massage table, or sit upright in a chair. You will remain fully clothed. I will ask if you are sensitive to touch or the use of aromatherapy. Please note that the treatment can be hands-on or hands-off—whichever you prefer—and that a hands-off treatment works just as well. Aromatherapy is an add-on for your relaxation benefit only and can be declined if you are sensitive to its use. A session will then last for around 45 minutes, or 90 minutes for an extended session.

3 / Upon Completion of the Service

Many clients find themselves in a meditative, relaxed, dream-like state during Reiki. I will gently wake you and give you time to talk about how your session went, how you feel, and anything else you want to share with me. The effects of Reiki can last from days to weeks depending on each client and their individual situation. I recommend more regular sessions at the beginning of your healing journey and less frequent sessions as you begin to feel better.

What To Expect From A Reiki Healing Session


Uniquely Personal

A Reiki session is a unique and personal experience, and how you perceive the experience may be different from others.

Imagery or Sensations

Some individuals report feeling sensations like heat and tingling while others report release of emotions, or even visions in their mind's eye. All experience Reiki as feeling deeply peaceful.

Deep Relaxation

You may find yourself drifting beyond meditation into a dream-like state of sleep. Having a Reiki service is an extremely relaxing experience, naturally helping to relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Reiki Price List & Session Types


Reiki—New Jersey


Experience the healing power of Reiki. One-on-one sessions help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit, helping you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. Each in-person Reiki session by Michael comes with complementary aromatherapy using dōTERRA essential oil, customized to your likes and preferences.


This is an in-person booking for clients seeking Reiki and will travel to my home studio Montvale, New Jersey.

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