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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a new concept for many people. Whether you want to know more about its history, how it works, or its benefits, I am here to answer commonly asked questions.

What is Reiki and how does it work?

Reiki, in its present form, gained popularity in the early 1900s following the development of the Usui Natural Healing System by Dr. Mikao Usui. When translated, “Reiki” embodies a meaning of “spiritually guided life energy.” It comes from the Japanese words rei — “universal life” — and ki, “energy.” Dr. Usui believed that the flow of life force energy is inherent in all living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants, and can be channeled by attuned individuals to promote healing.


Reiki practitioners use a hands-on (or off) technique to transfer energy. The gentle touch of the practitioner’s palms becomes a conduit for Reiki as it flows down the energy body’s channels and into the client’s metaphysical being, promoting healing on multiple levels. There, Reiki flows into vital organs and injured parts of the physical body where it is most required. Reiki can also be channeled directly into the emotional body, gently releasing traumas and breaking through rigid energy patterns. It fortifies the psychological system, promoting optimal healing and providing a sense of renewal and empowerment. Consequently, Reiki functions exceptionally well as a treatment in tandem with other therapies, such as talk therapies, physical therapies, and other healing techniques.

What can be treated with Reiki?

Reiki can positively affect all forms of adverse or unfavorable conditions. This includes minor things like head or stomach aches, bee stings, colds, flu, tension, and anxiety, as well as more severe dispositions or the side effects of medical treatments. Many prominent hospital systems worldwide, including New York University, Columbia University Medical Center, and John Hopkins, offer and support Reiki to complement standard medical care. Most people experience at least a reduction in stress and some physical and psychological improvement in their well-being.


While Reiki can be used in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment, it is not a substitute for medical care. Reiki practitioners are not doctors, nor do they claim to be. It is always advised to consult with a licensed healthcare professional for standard medical care.

Reiki Helps You to Help Yourself

Reiki is a pure and nurturing energy. It is vital to note that the Reiki practitioner is not the healer; you are. The practitioner can channel and offer you Reiki energy, but your body, mind, and spirit decide what to do with the energy and use it for your highest best. The source of Reiki is within you as one with Source.

What is an in-person Reiki session like?

Reiki is performed on a client who is fully clothed and reclined comfortably on a massage table. If you have mobility or pain issues, please communicate these to help make you comfortable during your session. The practitioner's hands touch you at your option, either with a light touch or a few inches above your body with no actual touch. Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. Your mind may experience a sense of tranquility, while your physical body should feel at ease. The soothing nature of Reiki is so profound that clients often find themselves lulled into sleep. Don’t worry, however. You will still receive all the session benefits, sleeping or awake. A Reiki session requires you only be open to its benefit.

What about Distance Reiki?

Using a distance symbol, Reiki practitioners can extend healing abilities beyond physical boundaries, offering services to clients anywhere in the world. Distance Reiki operates based on the ancient principle known as the Law of Similarity, which states that we are interconnected as energy beings, forming a unified entity. During a distance Reiki session, the practitioner connects to the recipient’s energy field by invoking this law.


Distance Reiki is equally as effective as receiving a service in person, and many report preferring it in the comfort of their own homes! During a distance Reiki service, the client may choose, based on their comfort level, to remain connected with the Reiki practitioner via phone, video, text, e-mail, or not at all. Some prefer relaxing in a quiet state while the practitioner sends Reiki at their appointment time. Preferences will be honored and discussed before your service. Please reach out and I am happy to explain, understand what will work best for you, and accomodate.

Will I feel anything during a session?

At the practitioner’s hand placements, during an in-person session, or virtually, you may feel a very slight tingling, heat, energy, or nothing at all. The sensations, or lack thereof, do not determine the effectiveness of Reiki; they simply reflect how your unique body senses energy. As you embrace the moment, a deep sense of peace and calm may settle within you, both mentally and physically. Each client’s experience is unique, but a sense of deep relaxation is almost universally felt.

Is Reiki a Religion?

Reiki is neither an organized religious rite nor affiliated with any religious practice. It respects the religious beliefs or lack thereof of its practitioners and clients, allowing them to remain unchanged. In fact, Reiki can complement many religious or spiritual belief systems.

Reiki practitioners vow to conduct their work with humility, honesty, and compassion for both themselves and others.

Can I ever have too much Reiki?

Reiki is a beneficial practice that harmonizes with the natural energy flow of your body. Your energetic body determines how much Reiki it wants and needs during the session and uses it accordingly. Just as you breathe, you will naturally take in as much as you need to support yourself.

Where can I learn more about Reiki?

The International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) and International Center for Reiki Training both host a wealth of information regarding Reiki, resources, real-life stories, and how Reiki can help with personal growth, self-care, relaxation, and stress reduction.

Visit the International Association of Reiki Professionals

Visit the International Center for Reiki Training

Contact Us With Your Questions


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