Reiki—Deeper Meaning
As a Reiki Master, I am often asked, "What is Reiki?" Most would say the simple answer—a Japanese method for stress relief and relaxation—but as a teacher, however, I find the real answer to "What is Reiki?" in plain view, but only after a deeper study of how the Japanese wrote it.
In this post, we will examine the meaning behind Reiki as written in Japanese, or kanji. Each stroke tells a unique story and represents important aspects of the spiritual journey that Reiki offers to everyone who welcomes it into their lives. By exploring these meanings, we can better understand Reiki and enhance our connection to its beautiful energy!
The kanji of Rei 靈 has three parts: 雨, three 口 and 巫.
Let's look at each of these parts individually.
1. 雨 ame (rain)
Rain is a significant blessing from above, encouraging us to acknowledge the necessity of universal support for the flow of life.
2. The character 口 (kuchi) represents three squares, which symbolize vessels or containers. These elements encompass the essential elements of human existence: the physical body, the mind's complex workings, and the soul's profound essence. Each square reflects a different aspect of being human, illustrating the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, and spiritual selves.
3. 巫 (miko) is loosely translated as medium—or otherwise— a channel of the Divine. Such a person serves as a conduit for Divine communication, channeling God's will and with a sense of purpose. It bridges the gap between the spiritual realm and the earthly existence, facilitating a connection that allows wisdom and guidance from the heavens to flow into the lives of those seeking clarity and understanding. Through such practice, we foster a harmonious relationship between these two worlds, helping individuals find their path and purpose.
What happens when we put the meaning of these three parts together?
The original meaning of "Rei" (靈) is about the connection between the Universe and us as human beings. You can imagine a beautiful canopy of heaven with four drops of rain (ame) falling into three containers (kuchi). Water is unique in this symbolism because it's incredibly adaptable! It flows around obstacles, changes its form, and responds to its surroundings. Plus, it has the incredible ability to slowly dissolve barriers, cleansing and healing as it goes.
Right below the rain and containers, a divine channel (miko) stands on Earth, ready to receive and share blessings with others. It captures the essence of giving and connection!
What about the kanji for Ki?
The kanji for Ki 氣 is made up out of 气 and 米.
气 kigamae means steam, vapor or cloud
米 kome, means rice
The kanji for "Ki" incorporates the character for rice, which symbolizes nutrition and radiating energy. This character is surrounded by a representation of vapor or steam, illustrating the steam produced when rice is cooked in a pot. This imagery highlights the connection between nourishment and energy dynamics.
In synthesizing this rich symbolism, we unveil a profound representation of the trinity echoed across various spiritual traditions around the globe: Heaven, Earth, and Man. This triad is often called Ten-Chi-Jin in Japanese culture, illustrating a harmonious relationship between the celestial, terrestrial, and human elements.
To elaborate on the symbolism found in the kanji character for Rei, we see that rain serves as a powerful metaphor for life-giving energy descending from the heavens, manifesting as water. This nourishment is crucial for existence; it is collected in three distinct containers or 'mouths'—a representation of the mind, body, and spirit—allowing this vital energy to revitalize these essential aspects of our being.
What does this mean for Reiki practitioners? For clients?
The role of the Reiki practitioner is pivotal in this dynamic. Acting as a bridge, they facilitate the flow of energy from the higher realms to the Earth, where vital resources, such as rice, grow abundantly. This grain symbolizes sustenance for the human body and embodies the nourishing energy that sustains life itself, connecting us to the very ground we walk upon. Furthermore, in this intricate exchange, the energy from the heavens intertwines with the Earth's grounding energy within the heart. This fusion fosters balanced unity, where the spiritual, physical, and emotional dimensions align harmoniously.
For Reiki practitioners, the essence of Reiki practice is powerful and undeniable: we tap into the universal energy that flows to us like refreshing rain. This energy nourishes our spirit, and we confidently become vessels for this life force. We transmit healing energy to those in need, supporting their journey toward balance and well-being. Through this profound exchange, we facilitate healing for others and affirm our strength and connection to the world around us. We are empowered conduits of healing, making a significant impact in the lives we touch.